After-School Sign-up Name * Please provide the student's name that will be taking the class First Name Last Name Phone 2 * Student's cell phone number (###) ### #### School you attend * Grade Age Any Dietary restrictions? Email Address * Email address where registration information should be sent Message * Name 1 * Parent's name First Name Last Name Phone * (###) ### #### Name 2 * Name of person that will be picking student up from class. If student is able to walk home on their own, please put 'self' in this space First Name Last Name Phone 1 * Phone number of person picking child up (###) ### #### Choose your session * Which season will you attend after-school class? Fall 2019 Classes Winter 2019 -2020 Classes Spring 2020 Full School Year 2019-2020 Thank you for signing up for String Thing Studio's After-School Program!Please complete your registration by submitting your payment via the links below.Click here to submit payment for your after school session